Dr. Poney Chiang is a leader in combining traditional acupuncture with modern neuroscience. As an expert in neuroanatomy and acupuncture, he emphasizes that acupuncture interacts directly with the fascia surrounding nerves to produce specific responses. His approach is grounded in understanding anatomy and nerve pathways, ensuring precise and effective treatments.
Neuromodulation and Descending Pain Modulation
Neuromodulation involves techniques that directly affect how nerves process pain signals, either amplifying or reducing their intensity. In acupuncture, needling plays a crucial role in this process by influencing the nervous system to "turn down the volume" on pain. One key mechanism is descending pain modulation, in which the brain sends signals down the spinal cord to determine which pain signals to suppress and which to address. |
A SMART Approach
Dr. Chiang's SMART approach in acupuncture stands for Sensory, Motor, Autonomic, Radiculopathy, and Trigger points, offering a structured framework for selecting acupuncture points based on their neuroanatomical significance. For instance, when treating shoulder pain, Dr. Chiang's SMART approach might involve targeting a motor point to improve muscle function, a trigger point to release muscle tension, and a point at the spine to stimulate the relevant spinal nerve (radiculopathy). It could also include a distal sensory branch to modulate pain perception, and an autonomic point to regulate nervous system responses, creating a comprehensive treatment plan based on the neuroanatomical significance of each point. |
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ContactLocation: Address and map
63 Ottawa Road, Ngaio, Wellington Email: [email protected] Tel: (04) 479 4680 |