Pain conditions commonly treated with acupuncture:
Acupuncture involves the insertion of hair-thin needles into specific tissue structures and areas (points) on the body. |
Needle Sensation:
When acupuncture needles are inserted usually there is little or no sensation, however your practitioner may manipulate the needle to elicit a tissue change or release. For a trigger point release, there may be a distending, radiating sensation, or the feeling of a twitch as a tight and irritable band of muscle fibers release. There are various techniques which are chosen depending on the needs and goals of the client. |
Acupuncture is considered safe when performed by trained, qualified, and registered practitioners to ensure proper technique, clinical experience, and an educated anatomical understanding. Rare adverse effects of acupuncture may include temporary mild soreness or a painless bruising left at the needle insertion site. Please consult your practitioner if you have any questions or concerns. |
Combining with other Treatment Modalities:
Needles may be used in combination with other treatment techniques such as cupping, moxibustion (deep heat), and various hands-on manual therapy and massage techniques as appropriate. To learn more about myofascial release, click here. |
ACC Information:
Our Acupuncturists are registered ACC health providers. Click here for more information. Acupuncturists can accept active existing ACC claims to treat the relevant covered injuries. For new injuries, an acupuncturists cannot lodge a new injury claim for you. You can lodge an ACC claim with your GP, physiotherapist, osteopath, chiropractor, etc. Once a claim is lodged and accepted, an acupuncturist can then accept that claim for treatment. The coverage for acupuncture lasts for 12 weeks from the date of your first session for that claim.
Claims over 1 year since the date of injury are expired. If you want to use an expired claim, please discuss this with your acupuncturist, they will assess your case to see if an extension is possible. These are generally cases with a mental injury, serious injury, and those who’ve recently had surgery. Be aware that the initial appointment would not be covered by ACC and will be billed private. |
Traditional & Modern Acupuncture:
Our acupuncture practitioners are trained in both traditional techniques and modern trigger point dry needling, ensuring a comprehensive approach to pain management and muscle health. Additionally, our method enhances treatment efficacy by incorporating an understanding of neuroanatomical pathways within the body. To learn more about trigger point needling specifically, watch the following video: |
Further Reading:
Find out more on our Client Resources & Learning Hub page. |
Appointmentsor call us
Tel: (04) 479 4680 Vertical Divider
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ContactLocation: Address and map
63 Ottawa Road, Ngaio, Wellington Email: [email protected] Tel: (04) 479 4680 |